Latest events and news at the School of Advanced Science and Engineering

【Announcement】Extension of the Period of Closure of Waseda University

Extension of the Period of Closure of Waseda University

April 14, 2020
(Updated on April 15, 2020)

Dear Students of Waseda University,

On April 6, 2020, I announced that all of the campuses of Waseda University will be closed and asked all students, faculty members and staff to stay home between April 8 and April 21.  However, the new coronavirus has spread more rapidly than expected.  The Governor of Tokyo requested on April 10 that all universities in metropolitan Tokyo remain closed from April 11 until May 6, 2020.  Given the circumstances, we have decided to extend the period of closure of all Waseda University campuses and the period of working at home via internet.

As a result of our situation, I am asking all courses to move online from May 11 for the time being.  It is important that we consider those students who are outside Japan or outside our campus areas in Japan who may not be able to come to campus.  These students may have already decided to take courses online from home, and we are committed to “leave no one behind.”

Let me repeat Waseda University’s three important missions.  Firstly, we will protect the life and health of our students as well as those of our faculty members and staff to the extent possible.  Secondly, we are committed to providing students with an excellent education.  Thirdly, we will continue to conduct our research and scholarly work even under difficult conditions.  In order to fulfill these missions, we will refrain from commuting to our physical campuses.  Although some of you may have been expecting to access your campus from April 22 on, please understand that the current situation does not allow us to do so.  At the same time, we are preparing for online teaching and working from May 11 onwards.

Waseda University is willing to help any students who financially suffer from the coronavirus pandemic.  Please see note (4) at the end of this message.

Our fight against the coronavirus may last for quite a long time. Each of us must imagine circumstances in which we could inadvertently become infected and or be a spreader. Thank you for your willingness to work together in these challenging times.

Best regards,

Aiji Tanaka, President
Waseda University
