Latest events and news at the School of Advanced Science and Engineering


Announcement of the Public Symposium of ERATO Yamauchi Materials Space-Tectonics Project

The 20th ERATO Seminar: Prof. Hiroyuki Nishide, “Organic Redox Polymers as an Electrochemical Energy Material: Prospects and Challenges for Practical Application”

The 19th ERATO Seminar: Prof. Dr. Mika Lindén, “Adsorptive surface functionalization of mesoporous silicas: A relevant alternative to covalent functionalization?”

The 18th ERATO Seminar: Prof. Galo Juan De Avila Arturo Soler Illia, “Programming Matter Through Chemistry”

Special Lecture: “Skyrmions in spin-orbitronics and orbitronics – Novel science and applications in memory & non-conventional computing”