

The 18th ERATO Seminar: Prof. Galo Juan De Avila Arturo Soler Illia, “Programming Matter Through Chemistry”

早稲田大学ー国立感染症研究所 連携10周年記念シンポジウム 【参加申込み締切】2023年5月19日(金)12:00 *定員になり次第、締切ります。

Special Lecture: “Skyrmions in spin-orbitronics and orbitronics – Novel science and applications in memory & non-conventional computing”

The 17th ERATO Seminar: Prof. Plinio Innocenzi, “Integrating the flatland into mesoporous films, an advanced functional platform”

Special Lecture: “Recent and Future Research on Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering for Soft Robotics”